Graffiti Removal in Oakville, Hamilton & More

Professional and environmentally-responsible graffiti removal for your commercial property.

Graffiti is an ongoing problem in communities around the world. It is reported that 35% of property vandalism is graffiti. While some graffiti can be non-threatening, many forms of graffiti include symbols of violence, hate, or gang activity.

Any type of graffiti can be detrimental to the appearance of your property. That is why it is so important to deal with graffiti in a timely and efficient manner. At Strassburger Tile Perfection, we take pride in the opportunity to clean up our streets and our community through proper graffiti removal.

Our team offers professional, environmentally-responsible graffiti removals services for businesses and properties in Oakville, Hamilton, Burlington, Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo, and other locations in our service area across Ontario.

Here are some of the top reasons why our clients choose us to remove their graffiti and provide other commercial services for their property.

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Removing Graffiti – Like It Was Never There

At Strassburger, we believe it is important to remove graffiti in the right way. Whenever we clean graffiti off a building or structure, we ensure that you can never tell that there was any graffiti present in the first place.

Removing graffiti so that it is undetectable is important in order to prevent repeat tagging. In addition, if graffiti tags are left on a surface for an extended period of time, it can damage the surface. That’s why it’s important to clean thoroughly when you do have graffiti removed.

Our graffiti removal technicians always bio-chemical clean or paint over an extensive area of the surface where the graffiti was removed. We use colour matching paint so that you cannot tell that any graffiti removal took place at all — leaving your building looking clean and freshly painted.

Effective Graffiti Removal for Any Surface

Our team can remove graffiti on many types of surfaces, including concrete, wood, glass, and a variety of painted surfaces. Our technicians tailor their methods to suit the surface type, as well as the age of the graffiti to be removed.

No matter what type of graffiti-affected surface you are dealing with, we ensure that the integrity of the original surface is kept in mind. When removing graffiti, we understand that it’s important to make sure that the surface doesn’t look worse than it did with the graffiti on it. Your building’s appearance should always benefit from graffiti removal.

Environmentally-Friendly, Non-Toxic Removal Methods

At Strassburger, our team can clean graffiti using a variety of methods. Our two main methods are both safe for the environment and non-toxic for humans:

  • Biodegradable Citric Waterblasting — This includes using high-pressure water with a mix of a biodegradable citric graffiti cleaner to remove the graffiti.
  • Soda Blasting — The main ingredients in this mixture are baking soda and non-silica sand, which are non-polluting and completely safe for humans.

There are other graffiti cleaning methods available, but we purposely avoid using most of them as they are likely to cause health hazards for humans and environmental risks.

For example, one method of graffiti removal that is often used by other removal companies is silica sandblasting. We will never use this cleaning method, as it is a health hazard and can cause soil damage on your property. We prefer to stick to methods that are eco-friendly, safe for humans, and more effective.

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