There is nothing better than coming home and taking a nice relaxing shower in your steamer stall after a long day at work. After investing in your beautiful new bathroom, you want to make sure that the work you’ve done is going to last. Unfortunately, homeowners are often surprised to find out that there are few companies with the resources to offer follow-up maintenance after the job is completed. This means that they need to find a third-party company they trust as much as their builder to help ensure their investment is protected.

Your shower sees daily use and, just like your vehicle, it needs regular maintenance. One of the most important type of maintenance for shower stalls is caulking services, as caulking is your shower’s first line of defense against water damage all along the seams. Due to Southern Ontario’s extreme weather changes, wall, floor & ceiling surfaces can shift or move slightly with these weather changes, causing the seams to split breaking the waterproof seal exposing the substrate materials to moisture. Caulking on these seams will stretch & contract to protect against water penetration. Unfortunately, caulk does not hold forever & should be service every 5 years if not sooner.

To avoid a costly repair, contact the trusted professionals at Strassburger Tile Perfection about maintenance service as soon as you notice your shower’s caulking has started to show mildew, or worse, started to release. If addressed quickly, costly water damage can be avoided. Our team at Strassburger Tile Perfection has streamlined our maintenance process so that we can fix the damaged area without having to start an entire restoration.

To make future maintenance a breeze, there are a few things you can do during the restoration or installation of a shower stall:

  • Keep approximately 10 spares of each type of tile used in your shower stall and bathroom.
  • Have a sheet or computer file with all of the caulking, tile & grout information

By having documentation & keeping these extra tiles handy, the maintenance process will be smoother and any repairs will blend seamlessly with the existing work.

For more information on shower stall maintenance & restoration, give us a call. Our team is here to help protect your investments.


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Strassburger Tile Perfection can restore highrise after fire damageShower Cleaning Instructions for Bathroom Burlington Kitchener 519-841-7497